Saleforce Administration
as a Service

Administration-as-a-Service is a first-of-its-kind solution that enables companies to focus on other strategic business initiatives that drive success and revenue growth, while Micronetbd inc’s team of experienced Salesforce Administrators successfully set up and run Salesforce in their organization.

Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools are an essential part of any successful organization. To manage the client journey experience, your business is probably investing in a CRM system. However, are you making the most of that investment?

Take some time, to analyze how well your company can retain and handle data in your CRM system.

Do you have the right crew in place to quickly address each customer's needs? For a customer strategy to be successful, finding the correct administrator is crucial. but that often requires a significant amount of time and money. Expert Salesforce CRM system admins often command salaries into the six figures, not including the cost of benefits, and require ongoing training.

However, by outsourcing a system administration solution, you can cost-effectively optimize CRM task management and raise customer satisfaction.

First and foremost, working with a partner you can rely on brings peace of mind, allowing you to concentrate on other business-related activities. Clients who choose our team to handle their administration enjoy a variety of advantages.

  • Cost – there are cost benefits, for less than the cost of a single employee, you get our experienced and certified team.
  • Employee Turnover – You do not have to worry about employee turnover, performance, or regular education and training, all while keeping up with the latest industry trends and best practices- that is our job.
  • Services - Because there are so many services offered and so many tools available for different uses, Salesforce has evolved over time from CRM software to a subject of study. The position of a Salesforce Administrator is the most crucial of all Salesforce roles. Administrators oversee and ensure that Salesforce is used to its full potential inside a firm. In order to help you successfully integrate and run Salesforce in your company, Micronetbd has a global pool of knowledgeable and experienced Salesforce Administrators.
  • Expertise and Efficiency - Running into an issue that is outside an administrator’s scope? No problem, we work across industries and have been exposed to different business verticals, we have sales leadership experts, integration professionals, developers, and experienced consultants ready to take on the challenge and recommend the appropriate solution that can drive your productivity and increase your return on investment.

Micronetbd inc. has a talented team of certified salesforce professionals, our team is fully aware of all the duties that come with being a Salesforce Administrator. We make sure that each of our team members gives every task 100% effort.

  • Logical and Process-oriented Thinking - All our Salesforce administrators receive regular training to help them think logically and build an understanding of a company's business processes. They are well-versed in the Salesforce CRM platform, including all its fields, procedures, categories, and infrastructure.
  • Knowledge Of the Sales Process- Understanding the client's sales process in its entirety is crucial for a Salesforce administrator. Our administrators know that your CRM platform has been built with your sales funnel in mind to support the activities of your sales team. Even if you do not have a clear-cut sales funnel, our salesforce professionals will streamline your sales processes and assist your sales team in achieving optimum use of Salesforce CRM.
  • Strong Communication Skills- All our Salesforce administrators receive training to develop their soft skills, with communication being the most crucial. You can rely on our Salesforce administrators to pick up the phone in the middle of the night and have constructive interactions with stakeholders without flinching.
  • Passion for Technology - Micronetbd Inc. recognizes the value of keeping up with the most recent technical developments in the Salesforce CRM platform. Our Salesforce administrators are naturally tech-curious, which makes it easier for them to learn how to use the newest Salesforce features and platforms. Due to their technological expertise, they would always be able to discover solutions to problems rather than yielding in to technical difficulties.
  • How to Make the Most of Salesforce CRM - Our administrators have extensive practical knowledge of Salesforce CRM services and years of experience using them. They are groomed to use Salesforce for your organization in the best possible manner.
  • Project Management Skills- All our Salesforce administrators have a strong project management background. They can be entirely trusted to create efficient strategies for a variety of different projects and carry them out on schedule.

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